I know to some this may seem like just an ordinary-although it is Nike-orange shoe box. On the contrary, this is just a little token of service and kindness between my kids. And it is a small miracle, but a miracle, that I had nothing to do with it.
If you look closer, you can see in childlike printing the monogram "Q" sits in five different places. Small holes have been punctured to imitate a smiley face. And upon closer examination, you can see the bottom of the boxes has been swooped in suggesting someone has sat on it, and indeed someone has. My youngest, who's personality leads me to believe may have the hardest being kind without being forced, has given his older brother a motorcycle seat for his birthday.
This act is a little funny, but it is the act of kindness to a sibling that has me beaming. I didn't make him give his sibling a birthday present. In fact, I haven't even brought the impending birthday to attention.
It is this little act of kindness and service, that gives me hope my efforts to incorporate service into my children's lives
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